Humans Dynamics
1. SELF- This is the effort to survive as an individual, to be an individual. It includes ones own body and ones own
mind. It is the effort to attain the highest level of survival for the longest possible time for self.
2.CREATIVITY-This is the effort to make things for the future, especially the creation of life forms whose ingredients
are your own genetic artwork.
3.GROUP SURVIVAL This is the urge to survive through a group of individuals or as a group. It is group survival, the
group tending to take on a life and existence of its own.
4.SPECIES. Mans fourth dynamic is the species of mankind. This is the urge toward survival through all mankind and as
all mankind.
5.LIFE FORMS. This is the urge to survive as life forms and with the help of life forms such as animals and vegetation.
6.PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. The physical universe has four components. These are matter, energy, space and time. The sixth dynamic
is the urge to survive of the physical universe, by the physical universe itself and with the help of the physical universe
and each one of its component parts.